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Scenariusz inscenizacji w j. ang pt. SNOW WHITE

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Inscenizacja jest częścią projektu pt. „W kręgu kultury i tradycji europejskiej” opracowanego przez nauczycieli i uczniów gimnazjum i szkoły podstawowej w Woli Dębińskiej.

Scenografia składała się z trzech części:
1. Sala zamkowa z tronem i lustrem królowej;
2. Chatka krasnoludków (właściwie jedno pomieszczenie z nakrytym stolikiem, łóżkiem w centralnej części oraz oknem z tyłu, przez które zaglądała zła królowa (w stronę publiczności);
3. Las.
Oprawę muzyczną stanowiły utwory Georges’a Bizeta i Antonio Vivaldiego.




Muzyka: Menuet ( L’Arlesienne Suite No. 2, Op. 23 – G. Bizet)

NARRATORZY POLSKI I ANGIELSKI: Dawno, dawno temu Once upon a time, była sobie piękna królowa. Miala na imię Elizabeth. there was a beautiful queen, called Elizabeth. Była bardzo dobra i mila. She was very good and kind. A do szczęścia brakowało jej jedynie dziecka. But she wasn’t happy because she didn’t have a baby.

ELIZABETH: I would like to have my baby girl with skin as white as snow, red lips and beautiful black hair.

NARRATORZY: Minął jakiś czas... Some time later i królowej urodziło się dziecko! the queen had a baby! Była to dziewczynka. It was a little girl. Marzenie królowej spełniło się! Her dream had come true!

Muzyka: La Garde Montante (Carmen Suite No.2 – G. Bizet)

ELIZABETH: I am so happy now! I have a beautiful baby girl with skin as white as snow, red lips and lovely black hair. She is so cute! Her name will be SNOW WHITE!

NARRATORZY: Niestety królowa wkrótce zmarła. But unfortunately the queen died soon. Król był bardzo smutny i samotny. The king was very sad and lonely. Po upływie dwóch lat postanowił się znowu ożenic. Two years later he got married again. Nowa królowa była również niezwykle piękna, ale była też okrutna! The new queen was beautiful too, but she was cruel!
Muzyka: Intermezzo (L’Arlesienne Suite No. 2, Op. 23 – G. Bizet)w trakcie narracji
Chciała być najpiękniejsza w całym świecie. She wanted to be the most beautiful in the country. Miała u siebie magiczne lustro, które potrafiło mówić. She had a magic mirror which could speak . Często zadawała mu pytania. She often asked it:

QUEEN: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

MIRROR: YOU are the most beautiful of all..

NARRATORZY: I królowa była zadowolona bo lustro zawsze mowiło prawdę. And the queen was happy because the mirror always told the truth.
Czas upływał szybko, a Śnieżka stwała się już piękną, młodą damą. Time was passing quickly and Snow White became a young pritty lady...
Pewnego dnia królowa znowu zapytała swoje lustro. One day the queen asked her mirror again:

QUEEN: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

MIRROR: Queen, you are beautiful, it is true. But Snow White is even more beautiful than you.

QUEEN: What?!?!? I don’t believe it! Hunter! Huntsman!

HUNTSMAN: Yes, your majesty?

QUEEN: Take Snow White into the forest and kill her!

HUNTSMAN: Are you sure?

QUEEN: Of course I am. Go! Quickly!

HUNTSMAN: Well, all right, your majesty.

Muzyka: Prelude (Carmen Suite No. 1 – G. Bizet)

NARRATORZY: Więc myśliwy zabrał Śnieżkę do lasu, So the hunter took Snow White into the forest, ale był uczciwym człowiekiem i lubił Śnieżkę. but he was a kind man and he liked Snow White.

HUNTSMAN: I can’t kill you Snow White. I will leave you here but you must never ever come back to the castle! You have to stay in the forest forever!

SNOW WHITE: Oh, thank you. I promise I will never go back.

HUNTSMAN: Good bye then. Take care!

SNOW WHITE: I will. Good bye.

NARRATORZY: Teraz Śnieżka była w lesie calkiem sama i bardzo się bała. Now Snow White was alone in the forest and very scared.

SNOW WHITE: Where can I go? What can I do?

ANIMAL: Don’t cry, Snow White. You will be all right. I’ll give you some food.

SNOW WHITE: You are so kind. I don’t feel so scared now.

NARRATORZY: Śnieżka długo, długo szła przez las Snow White walked through the forest for a long time aż ujrzała małą chatkę. until she saw a little house.

Muzyka: Menuet ( L’Arlesienne Suite No. 2, Op. 23 – G. Bizet)

SNOW WHITE: 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 plates... and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 cups. Seven forks and seven spoons?
I am so hungry and thirsty, but I don’t want to eat someone’s dinner.
( she takes a little from each plate)
I feel better now but I am so tired.
(trying each bed)
Ooh! That’s too hard.
It’s too short!
It’s too soft! Oh! This one is so cozy!

NARRATORZY: W chatce mieszkało siedmiu krasnoludków. The house was the home of seven dwarfs. Codziennie wychodzili do pracy. Every day they went to work. Wieczorem wracali do domu. Then they came back home in the evening. Tego dnia, kiedy wrocili do domu, zauwazyli, że ktoś u nich był. That day when they got home, they saw that someone had been in their house!

Muzyka: Minuetto (( L’Arlesienne Suite No. 2, Op. 23 – G. Bizet)

DWARF1: Who’s been sitting on my chair?

DWARF 2: Who’s been eating my bread?

DWARF 3: Who’s been using my fork?

DWARF 4: Who’s been using my spoon?

DWARF 5: Who’s been eating from my plate?

DWARF 6: Who’s been drinking from my cup?

DWARF 7: Who’s been sleeping in my bed?

DWARF 1: Look!

Muzyka: Intermezzo (Carmen Suite No. 1 – G. Bizet)

DWARF 2: A small girl!

DWARF 3: She’s sleeping...

DWARF 4: In my bed!

DWARF 5: She’s so beautiful!

DWARF 6: Oh yes, she is.

DWARF 7: She got lost in the forest. Poor little baby!
( Snow White waking up)

DWARF 1: Don’t be scared!

DWARF2: What’s your name?

SNOW WHITE: I am Snow White.

DWARF 3: Why are you here?

SNOW WHITE: The queen – my stepmother wanted to kill me! But the kind hunter let me stay in the forest and I found this little house.

DWARF 4: You can stay here with us.

DWARF 5: You can cook for us and help in the house, ok?

SNOW WHITE: I will if you let me stay.

DWARF 6: Of course. We will look after you.

NARRATORZY: Wszyscy byli bardzo szczęśliwi. They were all very happy. Krasnoludki pokochały Śnieżkę The dwarfs loved Snow White a ona pomagała im z radością. and she helped them with joy.

DWARF 7: Remember! Never, ever let anyone in the house. The queen can kill you! So be careful!

NARRATORZY: Śnieżka pozostała w domu. Snow White stayed at home. Gotowała i sprzatała dla krasnoludków. She cooked and cleaned for the dwarfs. Każdego wieczoru, kiedy krasnoludki wracały z pracy, kolacja była gotowa a dom lśnił czystością. Every evening when they came back from work she had supper ready for them and the house was clean and tidy.
Tymczasem na zamku królowa znów zapytała swoje lustro. Back at the castle, the queen asked her mirror again.

Muzyka: Intermezzo (L’Arlesienne Suite No. 2, Op. 23 – G. Bizet)

QUEEN: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

MIRROR: Queen, you are beautiful, it is true. But Snow White is more pretty than you.

QUEEN: What do you mean? Snow White is dead!

MIRROR: Oh, queen. I must tell you the truth. Snow White is alive! She is in the litthe house in the forest far far away.

QUEEN: I’ve been tricked! This is awful! What can I do?... I know... I’ll go to visit Snow White. Now... What do girls like? Oh yes! Ribbons, pretty coloured ribbons!
(knocking on the door)
Ribbons! Ribbons for sale! Come and see!

SNOW WHITE: What have you got?

QUEEN: I’ve got lots of things. Look at the lovely ribbons. So colourful... Can I come in and show you?

SNOW WHITE: They are so beautiful! This poor old woman must be good. I will open the door. Please, come in!

QUEEN: Oh, thank you, my dear. Now, which one do you like? This red one? Or this green one?

SNOW WHITE: I like the blue one. It’s pretty.

QUEEN: Why don’t you try it?
Ah ha! Now I am the most beautiful!

Muzyka: Prelude (Carmen Suite No. 1 – G. Bizet)

DWARF 1: Snow White! We’re back!

DWARF 2: How are you Snow White?

DWARF 3: Look!

DWARF 4: Oh no!

DWARF 5: What happened?!

DWARF 6: Wake her up!

DWARF 7: She’s waking up.

DWARF 1: That must have been that awful queen!

DWARF 2: Are you ok, Snow White?

SNOW WHITE: Oh, yes, thank you.

DWARF 3: What happened?

SNOW WHITE: An old woman came to the door and she had some pretty ribbons...

DWARF 4: It was the queen!


DWARF 4: You let her in! We told you not to do it!

DWARF 5: You must never ever do it again!

SNOW WHITE: All right. I am so sorry. I will never do it again.

NARRATORZY: Tego wieczora królowa znowu pytała swoje lustro. That night the queen asked her mirror again:

Muzyka: Intermezzo (L’Arlesienne Suite No. 2, Op. 23 – G. Bizet)

QUEEN: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

MIRROR: Queen, you are beautiful, it is true. But Snow White is more beautiful than you!

QUEEN: What do you mean? Snow White is dead! I killed her!

MIRROR: Oh queen, I must tell the truth. Snow White still lives with the dwarfs in the little house far far away in the forest.

QUEEN: I killed her. Now.... What can I do? I know... I’ll put the poison in the apple and she will sleep forever.
(knocking on the door)
Lovely apples! Come and see.

SNOW WHITE: Who is it?

QUEEN: Just an old woman with some lovely apples to sell. Will you open the door?

SOW WHITE: No, I’m sorry. I can’t let you in.

QUEEN: Well... Maybe you would like to eat one apple? They look delicious, don’t they?

SNOW WHITE: They look so tasty. This woman must be good but I can’t open the door... I really shouldn’t...

QUEEN: Take this apple as a present. I’ve got too many. Here! Have this one!

SNOW WHITE: It looks nice but...

QUEEN: Don’t be afraid! I’ll eat half and you can have the other half. See? Delicious!

SNOW WHITE: I think that must be all right. It looks so juicy! Thank you!

QUEEN: Here you are, my dear.
(Snow White eats the apple and falls down)
Ah ha ha! Now I’ve got you!
(in her castle)

Muzyka: Prelude (Carmen Suite No. 1 – G. Bizet)

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

MIRROR: You are the most beautiful!

QUEEN: Yes! At last!

DWARF 1: Snow White! We’re back!

DWARF 2: How are you?

DWARF 3: Oh no! She looks dead!

DWARF 4: Snow White! Wake up!

DWARF 5: It’s no good.

DWARF 6: Please, don’t die!

DWARF 7: No way... Poor Snow White! The nasty queen has been here again.

DWARF 1: Why was Snow White so silly?

DWARF 2: What can we do?

DWARF 3: Nothing... Nothing...

Muzyka: Adagietto (L’Arlesienne Suite No.1, Op.23 – G. Bizet)

DWARF 4: She still looks so beautiful!

DWARF 5: I know... Let’s put her in a glass case so we can always see her.

DWARF 6: Good idea!

DWARF 7: I will guard her.

NARRATORZY: Przez wiele lat Śnieżka leżała tak w szklanej trumnie. For many years Snow White lay in the glass case. Wygladała jakby spała. She looked as if she was sleeping. Była jak zawsze przepiękna. And she always looked beautiful.
Pewnego dnia... One day przejedżał tamtędy piękny książę.a handsome prince was riding by.

Muzyka: La Garde Montante (Carmen Suite No.2 – G. Bizet)

PRINCE: What’s that over there? Let me see. I have never seen anyone so beautiful! Who is she?

DWARF 7: Snow White, our friend.

PRINCE: Can I take her with me? I can’t live without her.

DWARF 7: No, no. We have to look after her.

PRINCE: I will give you my gold.

DWARF7: She’s not for sale.

PRINCE: But I love her so much.

DWARF 7: I have to ask my friends.

DWARF 7: If you love her, you can take her but we want to visit her very often, ok?

PRINCE: Ok, thank you! You are always welcome at my castle.

NARRATORZY: Kiedy podniesli trumnę... When they took the glass case zatrute jablko wypadło z ust Śnieżki the poisoned apple fell from Snow White’s mouth i wtedy ...and then...

Muzyka: Menuet (L’Arlesienne Suite No. 2, Op. 23 – G. Bizet)

SNOW WHITE: Where am I?

PRINCE: Here with me!

DWARF 1: I can’t believe it.

DWARF 2: Snow White!

DWARF 3: This is wonderful!
(dancing for joy)

SNOW WHITE: Who are you?

PRINCE: I am PRINCE DAVID. I saw you and I fell in love with you. Will you marry me?

SNOW WHITE: Yes, I will.

PRINCE: Don’t worry.

Muzyka: Allegro la caccia (Concerto 3: Winter/The Four Seasons – Antonio Vivaldi)

NARRATOR: Książę ze Śnieżką odeszli razem. The PRINCE and Snow White walked away together. Potem było wesele Later they got married
... i żyli długo i szczęśliwie and lived happily ever after.

Muzyka: Allegro la caccia (Concerto 3: Winter/The Four Seasons – Antonio Vivaldi)


Zdjęcia z inscenizacji i projektu na stronie: Snow White Photos

Bogusława Frankowska

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